Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Not-Quite Annual ASCO Round-Up - 2018 edition

by Drew Rosielle

The American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting, besides being a feast for the pharmaceutical business news pages (google 'ASCO' and most of the hits will be about how announcement X affected drug company Y's stock), is also one of the premiere platforms for publishing original palliative-oncology research. So every year I try to at least scan the abstracts to see what's happening, and I figure I might as well blog about it. It's tough to analyze abstracts, so I'll mostly just be summarizing ones that I think will be of interest to hospice and palliative care folks. I imagine I've missed some good ones, please leave a link in the comments if I have! My major observations on this year's abstracts is that there was very little about symptom management compared to years past, except for neuropathies.

(Past ASCO reviews here - 2008, 2017 - Ed.)

Pain and Symptoms
Systems Issues
  • Claims and SEER database study suggesting that earlier palliative care involvement in pancreatic cancer reduces some costs. 
  • Patients in Medicare managed care organizations use hospice a little more than fee for service Medicare patients 
  • Barriers to palliative care involvement in patients receiving stem cell transplants, including this data point, which is something I've personally wondered about a lot: "Higher sense of ownership over patients’ PC issues (β = -0.36, P < 0.001) was associated with a more negative attitude towards PC [by hematologists]."  
  • EOL spending was higher in ACO patients vs non-ACO patients.  
  • A retrospective study which compares many outcomes in patients who receive early palliative care inpatient vs not. The title abstract highlights survival (which was a bit longer in the palliative group). Please do not quote this abstract however to claim that PC prolongs survival in patients with cancer: this is messy retrospective data, and it's not even clear from the abstract whether the survival difference was in univariate or multivariate analysis (PC patients, eg, were younger, more likely to be discharged home, etc.). Similarly, a Canadian study looked at early palliative care consultation in pancreatic cancer (retrospectively) and apparently showed that late but not early palliative consultation was associated with longer survival. The same study also showed that having metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis was also associated with longer survival, so I'm not going to make much of any of this.

Drew Rosielle, MD is a palliative care physician at the University of Minnesota Health in Minnesota. He founded Pallimed in 2005. You can occasionally find him on Twitter at @drosielle. For more Pallimed posts by Drew click here.