Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Hospice and Palliative Medicine Tweetchat Reminder
(Note for our email subscribers you may want to go to the actual post to see all the embedded media best.)
For those of you who missed the announcement back in July, hospice and palliative medicine has enough people on Twitter that we started having a weekly Tweetchat every Wednesday night at 9p ET/6p PT. We have had good turnout and support from a lot of people who think what we do is very important. If you that last sentence confused you just watch this for a quick tutorial (over 1200 views on Slideshare so far):
View more presentations from Christian Sinclair, MD.
You can see past transcripts hosted at Slideshare also.
And we have begun to use CoverItLive to actually show the posts in order of posting. Here are the last two Tweetchats.
A new site focused on hospice and palliative medicine and social media is in the works to host all this information so it doesn't overwhelm Pallimed. Hopefully you can join us and spread the influence of good information on palliative care.
You can see past transcripts hosted at Slideshare also.
And we have begun to use CoverItLive to actually show the posts in order of posting. Here are the last two Tweetchats.
A new site focused on hospice and palliative medicine and social media is in the works to host all this information so it doesn't overwhelm Pallimed. Hopefully you can join us and spread the influence of good information on palliative care.