Monday, February 9, 2015
Watching "Being Mortal" on PBS FRONTLINE alone? We've got a cure for that!
by Christian Sinclair, MD, FAAHPMSo let’s say you can’t get any of your friends or family to get into watching Being Mortal with you on Tuesday night. No worries, we have you covered! With Facebook, Twitter and Pallimed you can find other people who want to talk about the show (and the book). Probably people a lot like you.
First, find it either online at PBS FRONTLINE (starting Tuesday) or check your local PBS listings for the premiere Tuesday night.
Second, if you are interested in being part of the conversation as you watch the show or reflect on it later, you can choose from one of the following ways:
- Comment on the review post here on Pallimed by Bruce Scott. If you have never commented before here is your chance. The comment systems (DISQUS) is quite simple and you can even reply straight from your email app.
- If you are already on Twitter, use the hashtag #BeingMortal to share your insights and opinions and find other people talking about it. (PS Great way to find new people to follow and gain new followers too). At 10p ET on Tuesday, you may also find many hospice and palliative care professionals using the hashtag #hpm in addition to Being Mortal. Using a chat website (like this one) will help you follow the conversations better. If you are confused Tuesday night, just tweet at me @ctsinclair.
- Go to the Pallimed Facebook Event at 10pm ET on Tuesday, where nearly 100 people have already RSVP’d. We should be getting a good conversation going there as well.
Hope to see you advocating and educating tomorrow night! #BeingMortal Tweets
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Being Mortal by PBS FRONTLINE