Monday, June 7, 2010
Pallimed Redesign Planned for June 2010: Input Welcome
It has been over 3 years since Pallimed had a major overhaul and so this month there will be some tweaking going on at the main site to clean up the design and navigation, add a few new special features, and take any special requests from you our readers. Please be patient if the site goes down for an hour or so. It will be back soon.
If there is something you would like to see added, removed or changed, this is a great time to let us know.
Here is what I am planning on so far:
- Change in layout of the three column template to fix bugs found in IE7,8
- Maximize the use of the header image
- Clarify the navigation to the sister blogs of Arts and Cases
- Add permanent pages for Comment Policy, Contributors, First Time Readers/FAQ, Prognosis, Social Media Education, HPM blogs (maybe a sortable table)
- Major update of Prognosis page (send me relevant articles puh-leeeze!) maybe with table and better navigation
- Reorganize various subscription options including iPhone app, RSS, email
- Reorganize various social media interaction options (FB, Twitter, Slideshare, LinkedIn, YouTube)
- Possibly add Twitter and Facebook login options for comments (anonymous will still be an option)
- Possibly add ratings system for the comments to find good comments, provide feedback
- Rotating mini banner under the header featuring different posts to highlight
- Rating system for the posts to help find high quality posts
- 'After the jump' clickable options to allow for more scanning of posts of interest (full post still available with subscribing)
- Update disclaimer
- Repository of pictures from Pallimed readers
- Calendar and listing of past and future Palliative Care Grand Round hosts
Here is what I am not planning on adding:
- Podcasts or videocasts unless there is a dedicated volunteer to provide the support and time
- Areas for advertisements