Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The 2012 #HPM Year on Twitter
Ed. - Please welcome the first Pallimed post by Dr. Jeannette Ross (@RossJeanette), a geriatrics and palliative medicine specialist from San Antonio, TX.
I recently read a webpost called 20 Twitter Stats From 2012 noting some interesting statistic about the amounts of tweets thru the 2012 year, the most retweeted tweet (Obama’s victory tweet), the most followed twitter account (@ladygaga with 32 million+), and others.
I was curious about what are the twitter statistics for our field as measured by the HPM hashtag. I went to the Symplur Healthcare Hasthtag Project and ran the #HPM 2012 analytics and did a little “research” of my own.

- There were 48,273 tweets sent using #HPM
- 67,869,558 Impressions* resulted from the #hpm community tweets
- 4,157 “Tweeople” participated in the HPM conversation
- During 2012 #HPM generated an average of 5 Avg Tweets/Hour
- The average #HPM participant posted 12 #hpm tweets
- @jfclearywisc (Jim Cleary, MD) was the top HPM tweeter with 2206 tweets.
- @ctsinclair (Christian Sinclair, MD) has 5,484 followers, which is the most followed #HPM account on Twitter. Ok that at least is HPM celebrity status!
- With his over 20K lifetime tweets he beats @ladygaga on tweets With that many followers it’s no surprise that @ctsinclair 1894 HPM tweets led to the most impressions with 10,371,544
- The HPM tweets reached a 6594 tweet peak in March during the week of the @AAHPM meeting with March 9, 2012 generating 1156 HPM tweets on a single day
RIP Avalanna. i love you
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) September 26, 2012
If you want to understand more of how the statistics are generated and what they mean click here. You can always join #hpm Tweetchat on Wednesday nights at 6p PT/9P ET to find a group of online advocates. You don't even need a Twitter account to follow along.
Ok here is a 2013 New year resolution I can achieve. To Tweet more, and get others to tweet #HPM! You can always find me at @rossjeanette
*impressions: number of tweets per participant and multiplied with the number of followers