Sunday, January 6, 2013
The Best Free Hospice and Palliative Care Info for your Inbox
Are you drowning in information about hospice and palliative care? It seems like every day there is a new aggregator of articles, highlights and tweets.The criteria to the list below is:
1) The information must be primarily related to the clinical practice of hospice and/or palliative care,
2) The information must be able to land in one's inbox via email subscription,
3) The information must be available without paying for it directly or indirectly (membership), AND
3) The information should be posted with a regular frequency.
And here is the list in alphabetical order:
Hospice and Palliative Care Blog List
Palliative Care Journals (all issues/articles open access)
Supportive Oncology
BMC Palliative Care
Palliative Care Journals/Collections (Table of Contents/Article Alerts)
Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care (TOC)
European Journal of Palliative Care (TOC)
JAMA Network - Palliative Care/End of Life Care (Article Alerts/Partial Open Access)
JAMA Network - Pain (Article Alerts/Partial Open Access)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (TOC)
Journal of Palliative Medicine (TOC/Partial Open Access)
Journal of Social Work in End of Life and Palliative Care (TOC/Partial Open Access)
Omega - Journal of Death and Dying (TOC)
Palliative and Supportive Care (TOC)
Palliative Medicine (TOC)
Supportive Care in Cancer (TOC)
Research Summaries
HospiLink by Hospiscript
Palliative Medicine Matters by Hospice Pharmacia
All Thing Palliative by Dr. Steven Prior
AAHPM Smart Briefs (open to non-members)
Media Watch by Barry Ashpole
ChiPPS (Children's Project on Palliative/Hospice Services) by NHPCO (open to non-members)
CAPC eNews
Photo Credit
Margot Trudell - "Drown" (via Flickr) - Some rights reserved
I may have missed some that meet all four criteria above, so if you have others please email me