Mastodon December 2014 Pallimed Review: Posts and Comments ~ Pallimed

Friday, January 2, 2015

December 2014 Pallimed Review: Posts and Comments

If you have not noticed by now, we have really started to increase our publishing output, so since some great articles may fall off your radar, we will start doing a monthly review to make sure you didn't miss something really good. And if you are one of the few hundred subscribers with a daily option, do not forget you can always change to MWF or weekly!

Our two most popular posts this month on social media were Emily Riegel's letter to the spouses of palliative care professionals and Bob Arnold's case review of when emotions or facts are at the center of goals of care discussions. Good ones to share with your teams maybe?

Make sure to follow, engage, like and comment with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIN.  And we always appreciate it when you recommend us to your peers.




Media Reviews



Comment Shout-out's - December 2014 (in no particular order):
Kyle Edmonds, Clay Anderson, Bruce Scott, Ruth Hill, Kathy Kastner, Michael Chapman, George Handzo, Karen B. Kaplan, Liz Salmi, Drew Rosielle, Hal Grotke, Robert F, Michael D. Fratkin, Judy Connolly, Earl Quijada, Anette K, Jason, Tarris Rosell, Sonia Fullerton, Conrad Williams, Emily Riegel, Allie Shukraft, Marilyn Hofmann-Jones, Amy Getter, Holly Yang, Chri Okon, and a few anonymous people.

Highlighted Comment for December 2014
Drew Rosielle's comment on Cases: Are goals of care conversations about emotion or fact? by Bob Arnold - Dec 3rd, 2014

"Fact clubbing" - I'll start using that. The last few years I've called it 'The Data Dump' in my attempts to help other docs understand how it's a waste of their time and effort.

I think it's tough to teach about this on the fly to docs who don't seem to understand they are data dumping. They are taught how important it is to educate the patient and family on what's going on and feel it's an important duty and may not have a sense that it's effect ranges anywhere from being just a waste of time to frankly damaging the doctor patient relationship. I sometimes tell people (not peers, but residents etc) they are at risk of the main point their patient comes away with is 'Gee my doctor is really smart and knowledgeable' but not what you were actually trying to communicate it.

I think the most effective way of teaching around this point is in communicaiton workshops where you can get docs to role play being a patient (or being a customer at an autoshop even) and then have someone talk to them about what's going on for 120 seconds straight. Many can realize that they start glazing over and not paying attention after just 30 or so seconds. Sometimes can lead to great insights. Sometimes.

Bob; fantastic post I'm going to use this in teaching.

Help wanted
If you are interested in writing for Pallimed please contact us via any of the social media platforms or email If you want to help we have something you could do! Like write this simple monthly review post! Or help run one of our social media accounts (especially with Pinterest and Tumblr) - we do on the job training!

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