Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pallimed's 4th Anniversary
Christian gently reminded me, albeit a few weeks late, that we missed our 4th anniversary (June 8th). So I thought that I'd note it anyway.
I continue to be amazed by the reception of the blog, and the support, humor, and wisdom of our readers (& their comments) over the years. So thank you, keep telling your friends and colleagues about the blog, and keep letting us know how we're doing (with both positive and 'constructive' feedback). You know how to find us.
Last year's highlights (via Christian's datacloud in the sky):
- We had a steady growth in visits of about 70%: ~72,000 in 2008-2009 vs. 42,000 in 2007-08. We had a similar increase in our pageviews: 115,000 vs 69,000 in 2007-08.
- Growth in subscribers: we had 675 total subscribers in June 2008 and 2146 in June
2009 including over 450 on Twitter. (Some are inevitably duplicates but some
are new audiences we never reached before.) - We had 542 comments since last June
- Expanding the family of blogs into Arts & Cases: Amy & Amber have clearly hit a nerve in particular with their Arts blogging.
- AAHPM gave us an award, which they haven't retracted despite the fact that Christian, Tom, and I unceremoniously stormed the podium prior to Russ Portenoy finishing introducing us. And he called Tom a 'young man' - making it a double smile day for Tom.
- Christian, a man of many plans, got the blog integrated with Twitter & Facebook, Twittered AAHPM (along with many others), tried to start some sort of Twitter FDA revolution, and got interviewed in the NYT and almost got the blog mentioned by name in it.
- And we invited Lyle to join and have patted ourselves on the back every day since for doing it - glad you're here Lyle.