Tuesday, March 15, 2016
When Surrogates Disagree on Care & Treatment
by Vikranta Sharma MD

Her grand daughter Sue was the new caregiver
for both of them for the past 12 months.
Leela was declining, she had developed difficulty
swallowing due to the progressive neuromuscular weakness that comes with
advanced Alzheimer’s dementia, she needed full assistance in bathing, toileting
dressing as well as feeding, her speech sparse and meaningless. Essentially,
she was bed bound. She lay curled up in a fetal position most of the time.
Recently she had started spitting out the pills that were put in her mouth and
refused to be fed.
She was admitted with a second bout of aspiration
pneumonia and altered sensorium. She was treated with antibiotics and hydrated
briefly, without any significant improvement in her functional ability.
She could barely open her eyes to command and then quietly close them again.
asked about her wishes, Sue told me that her grandma was a registered nurse
and never wanted to have tube feeds and wished to go naturally without tubes
or heroic efforts when the time came. She had seen too many people suffer with unnecessary
care. Jennie nodded in agreement and she and I signed the POLST form that
makes these wishes an order. There was hushed mention of a distant
son who had not seen her in the past few years, but Jennie said she would
inform him as well. Leela started home hospice after obtaining consents
from the daughter.
When Surrogates Disagree
Two weeks later, an angry son called hospice and asked
his mother to be taken off the hospice, he called 911 and demanded her to be
taken to ER, he wanted her hydrated, treated with antibiotics and possibly
started on PEG tube feeds, as he felt that this amounted to starving her.
He still wanted no CPR or intubation, but did not agree with hospice philosophy.
He still wanted no CPR or intubation, but did not agree with hospice philosophy.
The patient was taken off hospice and after several
family meetings a PEG tube was placed and she was accepted in a nursing home.
Medicare would now pay for her room and board due to the newly placed G tube.
Decisions Undone
In America, surrogates often override the
decision of an incapacitated relative, regarding end of life care. Various
reasons involved include religious beliefs, personality conflicts,
misunderstandings and financial reasons.
POLST is meant to be a legal document to help convert a patients
known wishes into physician orders. However, families make decision
collectively and may influence the behavior of the surrogate. Sometimes
that decision may go against the wishes of the patient.
The Faults in our System
It is an outrage that
our healthcare system pays for doing more to the patient than doing
something for the patient that the patient actually wished for! Medicare will
not cover the stay of a dying patient in a nursing home but will cover the stay
if they have a procedure like PEG tube
that automatically qualifies them for a hundred days in the nursing home.
passed away few months after PEG tube feeds were started, she developed
diarrhea after being in the nursing home, where she died with decubitus ulcers
and sepsis finally. At least she didn't die hungry.
*Names and details have been changed to protect the privacy of patients and family.
Vikranta Sharma is a hospice medical director at the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group in New Jersey.
Join us this week on Wednesday, 9pm EST, 6pm PST for #hpm chat for a discussion on this topic and more!
What: #hpm (hospice and palliative med/care) chat on Twitter
When: Wed 3/16/2016 - 9p ET/ 6p PT
Host: Vikranta Sharma MD Follow her on Twitter @vikranta_sharma
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When: Wed 3/16/2016 - 9p ET/ 6p PT
Host: Vikranta Sharma MD Follow her on Twitter @vikranta_sharma
If you are new to Tweetchats, you do not need a Twitter account to follow along. Try using the search function on Twitter. If you do have a Twitter account, we recommend using tchat.io for ease of following. You can also check out the new site dedicated to #hpm chat - www.hpmchat.org / @hpmchat