Monday, August 25, 2008
Preparing for the Palliative Medicine Boards
In the July issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, there was a brief news note on how to prepare for the upcoming Palliative Medicine Boards. There was a lot of good advice in there about reviewing the outlined content for the exam, becoming familiar with review courses* and review materials, and the upcoming HPM Pass practice exam**.
There was even mention of some great online resources like EPEC-O, Fast Facts, the Palliative Care Journal Club and Pallimed. Except that Pallimed was not listed as a good tool for reviewing for the boards. Well, I want to tell you I think Pallimed is a great free tool to review for the boards. Obviously, I am a bit biased. And of course, I mean no disrespect to the others, since I reference them often!
But honestly if you are looking at using Pallimed as a Board Review resource I would not advise solely depending on Pallimed unless you have a good foundation of palliative medicine basics. With 3+ years of reviews of the important literature for palliative care right here at your fingertips I don't think it will hurt your score at all.
Let us know in the comments if you are using Pallimed to review for the boards, or what other resources you find most helpful. I seem to be getting a lot more emails lately about how to review for the boards, so maybe the community might help answer this better.
If it could be shown, I would bet all Pallimed readers would score higher on the boards then non-Pallimed readers, because you are all smart enough to be here. You are also very good-looking.
For full disclosure:
*Disclaimer: I am speaking at the Current Concepts course (Aug 08) and receiving speaking fees. Feel free to come say hello on Thursday!
**Disclaimer: I am a reviewer for the HPM Pass questions but am not receiving fees.