Sunday, March 26, 2006
Get Pallimed updates via email
We have started publishing Pallimed's site feed to FeedBlitz, which means you can now get updates of Pallimed via email. Just use the box on the right sidebar which says "Subscribe to email updates." You can also sign up for updates directly via the FeedBlitz site. This is a new thing for us--it may be buggy--please let us know of problems, etc!
The FeedBlitz FAQ is here; its privacy & "we won't spam you" policy are here. You'll note that we will have access to the Pallimed FeedBlitz subscriber list** which I guess means that Pallimed should have a privacy policy as well. So here it is: Pallimed is a home-brewed labor of love on the part of Christian and me, and we receive no commercial reward from Pallimed, and have no intentions of ever doing so. Any email addresses and personal information that is collected by FeedBlitz will remain private--we won't do anything with them, we won't email you, we won't distribute information, you can unsubscribe from FeedBlitz at any time, and we will go hunting with the Vice-president if we break this policy.
We are setting up this service because in the past people have expressed a desire to get update notices from Pallimed, and as past posts indicate the whole Syndication-RSS-Atom thing is a pretty confusing way to get updates at times.
**You can subscribe anonymously to our updates--read the FAQ--it involves signing up for FeedBlitz with your email and then on your profile making yourself anonymous. Only FeedBlitz (not us) will have access to your email address then.
(Thanks to Christian for finding this service.)