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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ask not what Pallimed can do for you...

Dear Pallimed readers,

Thank you so much for joining us for a great year of palliative care blogging. We are very appreciative of your readership and comments. The three of us are committed to continuing Pallimed as a timely and interactive source of palliative care information and commentary. We are also committed to keeping Pallimed ad-free, and we plan on never making this a subscription only service. But we would like to show that Pallimed readers a group can make a difference, so we will have our first annual Pallimed Fund-Raiser, just in time for the season of giving and tax-deductions. This year we will work with Donors Choose to help fund school projects around the United States.

To demonstrate our community ability to give follow the following simple instructions:

1) Go to
2) Search for a school project that matches your interests (science, art, history, local, low-income, you pick)
3) Choose your donation level
4) In the acknowledgment choices, choose "This donation is a gift in someone else's name"
5) Enter the following information:

(Please note, my name/contact info is to collect all the thanks, which I will post on Pallimed in January. I'm not looking for any fame/honor. Just coordinating. You still get the tax deduction. Not me.)

Honoree Name: Christian Sinclair
Dear "Pallimed Readers"
Honoree Address: 12000 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64145
Honoree Email: ctsinclair (@t) gmail (d0t) com

6) Complete the sign in and payment process (check or credit cards)

We will collect the # of donors and total donated and keep a running tally.

This fund raiser will be open for the month of December only. Pallimed will not make this tradition more frequent than once every Winter.

And to also reward our readers we have prizes for the end of the year:
  • 1 copy of the Hospice and Palliative Care Formulary USA donated from the editors of (there will be an upcoming review of this book here, and it makes a great holiday gift to your palliative care unit/hospice house!)
  • 3 Pallimed coffee mugs with the Pallimed logo!
State raffle rules prevent us to tying it to donations, but if you can enter for free by:

1) entering a comment on this post
2) you are already signed up for email posts (doesn't work for RSS to get specific info)
3) you email me at ctsinclair (@t) gmail (d0t) com with "Contest" in the subject line

Winners will be announced in the first week of 2008.

Please show your support of all the ad-free helpful information from Pallimed by giving to the school project of your choice. Together we can make an impact.

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