Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pallimed needs your Photos and Artwork
Looking for a way to show off your creative skills in photography or other artistic mediums? We are looking for creative Pallimed readers (and their friends or family) who would like to submit artwork or photos to be used in upcoming posts. The themes do not necessarily have to be hospice/medical related. Actually that would be a big plus!
Since some of our posts are well how shall we say, a little wordy, and a nice photo can really help break up the droning monotony of our words. Usually I go hunting on Flickr for something somewhat related, but I have been wanting to feature work from our community.
If you are interested please email me with one or two pics attached as samples.
Submissions once accepted will be posted to a Pallimed Flickr account with credit to the originating creator. All pictures would be filed under an 'all rights reserved' creative commons license unless otherwise specified by the creator.