Wednesday, April 16, 2014
National Healthcare Decisions Day April 16th, 2014
What a great thrill it is to see something start from a small local idea and take on a full national impact. National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is today, Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 and so many more organizations are getting involved, beyond those who might naturally be inclined to assist their community with advance care planning. Many healthcare organizations, employers and communities are mobilizing today and this week to make sure that patient’s preferences wishes are being documented and recognized by the medical community. I even saw it on my health insurance employee wellness homepage!Since the manufactured outrage over non-existent ‘death panels’ has appropriately faded, I think many people feel much more confident in addressing these issues. And interestingly it seems as if advance care planning is becoming a growth niche with so many different local, regional, and national options supporting this effort. So with all these options it is even more critical for health care providers and health advocates to be informed and involved with the people making these decisions.
If you are thinking to yourself, “Darn it, I always forget about NHDD every year and have always wanted to help and get involved,” well there are still some simple yet effective things you can do today!
1) Sign up for the monthly NHDD newsletter that comes out on the 16th of each month,
2) Gather your team and start making plans for next year,
3) Find someone in your community who is already doing something for NHDD and partner with them,
4) Follow @NHDD on Twitter, and then Tweet and Retweet about it using the hashtag #NHDD
Today is #NHDD! Please take a moment to learn about the importance of advance care planning.
— NHDD (@NHDD) April 16, 2014
5) Go like and share the great viral info on the NHDD Facebook pageIf you are seeing any innovative efforts on NHDD today, please share them in the comments below, on Twitter, or on Facebook. Happy NHDD!
NHDD Speak Up Video from NHDD on Vimeo.