Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Advance Care Planning Resources
Advance care planning is not just for when you are seriously ill or possibly dying. Sudden accidents make these issues a reality for adults of all ages. Making your health care wishes known to people you trust and assign as your decision maker is something every competent adult should do. This is part of being a responsible adult, just like having a job and paying your taxes. In these documents you can help document your values and goals. These documents are not just about avoiding unnecessary care, as is a common myth. If you feel strongly about having all opportunity at cure no matter the odds, you can still use these forms. Sharing this information with someone decreases the stress and risk of depression and anxiety in those making the decisions. You make plans for people to water your plants and care for your pets when you leave on a trip, so let's dedicate some time to some bigger questions too.
Here are some links to help you get started.
Background Information
Definitions of various parts of advance care planning (via National Institutes on Health)
Documents to download and fill out
(any of the following will be a good start, look at them and find which works best for you)
Caring Connections
Caring Conversations
Five Wishes
Advocacy for Advance Care Planning
Consider the Conversation
National Healthcare Decisions Day (April 16th, every year)
The Conversation Project
For fun and getting other people engaged please check out our slidedeck asking the eternal question: What happens when superheroes get sick? You are free to use this slidedeck or indvidual slides within with attribution to: Christian Sinclair and Ryan Westhoff of Pallimed.