Mastodon July 2016 Pallimed Review ~ Pallimed

Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 2016 Pallimed Review

by Christian Sinclair

July 2016 was a great month! New fellows started, advocates told the hospice story on Capitol Hill and online, the AAHPM held it's Summer Institute. Good things all around.

Here is a recap of all of our posts from July 2016. We know there are some you may have already bookmarked, but forgot to read, or maybe you liked it so much you want to share it again.

Make sure to follow, engage, like and comment with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIN.  And now catch us on Instagram, where we have grown quickly in the past month. And we always appreciate it when you recommend us to your peers.

Comment Shout-out's for July (in no particular order):
Clay Anderson, Drew Rosielle, Lyle Fettig, Anthony Back, Lizzy Miles, Gerg Gifford, Kyle Edmonds, Kathy Kastner, Karl Steinberg, Lynne Kallenbach, Emilie Clark, Robin Kleronomos, Anthony Herbert, Tom Quinn, Karen Kaplan, Lisa LaMagna, Sidnee Weiss-Domis, Daniel Miller, Robin Youlten, Rebecca Gagne Henderson, Linda Dolan, Andy Probolus, Amy Getter, Alex Smith, Gerald Tevrow, Elizabeth Lindenberger, Vikranta Sharma, Elaine Glass, Matt Rhodes, Vickie Leff, Paul Rousseau, Emily Riegel, Will Grinstead, Jeanne Phillips, Staci Mandrola, Julie Koch, Michael Pottash, Thomas Reid, Pippa Hawley, Kat Collett, Michael Fratkin, Julie Christenson and a few anonymous people.

Highlighted Comment for July 2016
Oh my goodness, there were so many good comments to choose from as you can see from the number of people who commented above. I don't think we can pick just one. So I will just highlight a few great snippets.
  • Awesome series concept. Then again, I'm the target audience: simultaneously surly and picky about words. - Kyle Edmonds
  • I just today put on my grumpy socks on and asked to remove "withdrawal of care" as a reason for consult from the order set. - Lynne Kallenbach
  • Yeah, it's kind of a shame when words like compassion, or dignity, get co-opted - Karl Steinberg
  • The words/terms will continue to challenge us, yet inviting clearheaded conversations about the strengths/weaknesses of various terms, etc will hopefully help. - Lyle Fettig
  • Reader beware while interpreting any headlined new research article. - Amy Getter
  • Paternalism is an important tool to know how to use responsibly so that we don't slip over into authoritarianism and if we do to have the humility to come back. - Andy Probolus

Social Media Highlights
Most popular Pallimed Facebook post: "I am sorry I didn't beat cancer" - Reached 41k+ people
Most popular Pallimed Twitter post: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' date of birth, who would have been 90 this year - 60 Retweets
Instagram Pallimed Account grows from 15 followers to 300

Passionate Volunteers and Writers Wanted
Do you love hospice and palliative medicine? Got something to say or find interesting things to share? Want to reach nearly 40,000 people with your ideas? We do this with a volunteer staff of ten, but we could use more regular volunteers.

If you are interested in writing for or working with us at Pallimed please check out the Pallimed Opportunities page and complete the form at the bottom. If you want to help we have something you could do! Like write this simple monthly review post (this would be really easy to hand off)! Or join our team of social media ambassadors to help run one of our social media accounts (especially with Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram and Tumblr) - we do on the job training!

Christian Sinclair, MD, FAAHPM is a palliative care doctor at the University of Kansas Medical Center and editor of Pallimed. When not advocating for health care professionals to use social media you can find him playing board games.

Image Credit: Photo credit: Matt Benson via Unsplash CC0 1.0

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