Mastodon A Collaborative Journey to Transform Advanced Illness Care ~ Pallimed

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Collaborative Journey to Transform Advanced Illness Care

by Amy K. Shaw

The healthcare system is undergoing a fundamental shift from care geared primarily toward medical or clinical needs to care that addresses the needs of the person as a whole. The forces driving this change are two-fold. First, a consumer-focused movement is gaining increased momentum amidst widespread recognition that better patient engagement improves healthcare quality and lowers costs. Second, significant changes in national policy require ongoing monitoring and measurement to assure progress towards the goal of person-centered care for those with advanced illness. In January 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a final rule that reimburses physicians and other healthcare providers who engage in end-of-life discussions with patients. However, nearly two-thirds of physicians report feeling inadequately prepared to address these challenging and often culturally unique subjects.

National Quality Partners’ (NQP) new issue brief, Strategies for Change – A Collaborative Journey to Transform Advanced Illness Care, builds on foundational efforts in hospice and palliative care and provides a common language to help clinicians better understand an individual’s needs in order to achieve the highest quality of care for that individual. NQP’s Advanced Illness Care Action Team, co-chaired by The Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC) and Planetree, includes 25 patients, care providers, physicians, nurses, spiritual advisors, and other experts from the public and private sectors who developed the issue brief. More than two dozen individuals and organizations leading robust initiatives to transform advanced illness care in the Unites States also provided input.The issue brief highlights six key preferences of high-quality, person-centered advanced illness care: purpose and connection; physical comfort; emotional and psychological well-being; family and caregiver support; financial security; and peaceful death and dying. It also provides snapshots of organizations that have embraced one or more of these key areas and pinpoints opportunities to use quality measurement to transform advanced illness care.

Amy K. Shaw is the Director of Marketing and Communications at the National Quality Forum and has nearly 15 years of experience in developing and implementing public outreach strategies to raise awareness of critical health and health care issues.

Join #hpm Chat, Wednesday, November 16, 9:00-10:00 pm ET, co-hosted by @NatQualityForum and @CTACorg, to share your views on person-centered care. Is the revolution in person-centered advanced illness and end-of-life care a reality or a future ideal? In what ways do your own personal and/or professional experiences reflect these six key preferences, and perhaps others not identified in the issue brief?
Topic questions:

  1. How can we expand the concept of advanced illness care beyond traditional healthcare settings?
  2. How can healthcare professionals, social services, and community supports form a safety net for individuals with advanced illness, their families, and caregivers
  3. What are examples of measurement opportunities to make a case for the value of person-centered advanced illness care?

What: #hpm (hospice and palliative med/care) chat on Twitter
When: Wed 11/16/201 - 9p ET/ 6p PT
Host: @NatQualityForum and @CTACorg

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