Monday, March 18, 2019
The 2019 Annual Assembly Social Media Recap
by Christian Sinclair (@ctsinclair)
The sun and fun of Orlando has come and gone for those of us lucky enough to steal away from our day jobs and attend the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care. Hopefully everyone learned a lot, got re-energized and found their way back home safely.
Thanks to the work of Lori Ruder, (@loriruder), Kristi Newport (@kbnewport), Allie Shukraft (@alifrumcalli) Pallimed was present in force a the meeting through Twitter (@pallimed). Beyond recapping some sesisons and re-tweeting the best tweets from the meeting we also used a few engagement techniques like #hpmRookie19, #hpmBingo and the #hpmTOTD (Tweet of the Day).
Tweet of the Day - #hpmTOTD
This started spontaneously in 2017 as a way to highlight interesting, smart, funny, and meta-tweets from the meeting. We had some many good posts to choose from and you can check them out yourself. This year the voting is open until March 25th for the Tweet of the Conference, so if you have a Twitter account go vote now!
So now it is time to vote for the Tweet of the Conference among each of the previous day winners. Anyone can vote, you did not need to attend the conference.
— Pallimed (@Pallimed) March 18, 2019
Voting is open for 1 week!
#hpm19 #PalliativeCare #hospice #hpm #hpmTOTD
Encouraging new people to tweet - #hpmRookie19
Twitter can be intimdating for a lot of people, so to make it easier to see the benefit, we used #hpmRookie19 to find the new Tweeters and new conference attendees. Once found we aim to make their first experience better through engagement and tips. This year's class of rookies (give them a follow!) includes: Claudia Chou @czchou
Marc Kaprow @doctorkaprow
Kim Wills-Rinaldi @wills_rinaldi
Nathan Riley @BeyondtheMD
Natasha Dhawan @drpallicare
Rebecca Spear @DOcSpear
Doctor Ground @doctorground
Molly Sinert @HospiPharmD
Kevin McGehrin @KmCGehrin
Sarah Belcher @SarahMBlecher
Kayla Overstreet @KaylaMSNRNCPNP
Dave Tran @rollkicksoul Pamela Gordon @pamelathescot
Shkreah Bell @ShkerahB
Kristin Edwards @KristinMDCT
Avani Prabhakar @AvaniPrabhakar2
Kelstan Ellis @kelstanellis
Nathan Boehr @theboehr
Vishal Kapadia @visman21
Christina Capps @cczmd226
Kerry @HPMDoctor
If I missed you and you were new to Twitter this year or this was your first conference let me know and I will update the list!
Overall the numbers this year for Twitter engagement were down from the nearly 2,000 particpants and over 30 million impressions from past Annual Assemblies. I'm not quite sure why that is, and i would love to hear form some of you on why you think this is happening. I have some theories, but want to hear from others and look closely at the data.