Saturday, June 8, 2019
Celebrating 14 Years of Creating Content and Finding Emerging Creative Clinicians
by Christian Sinclair (@ctsinclair)Another year has passed and we are celebrating the 14th Anniversary of Pallimed. Digitally speaking, 2005 is a pretty long time ago, before Twitter started and when YouTube was only 4 months old. I want to emphasize that what Drew Rosielle started with a single blog post as a 3rd year resident is something all of us are capable of doing. You have knowledge to share with a wider audience. At the time Drew was not an expert in hospice and palliative medicine, but he had passion, and he put his work where people could find it. The goal was not to build a brand or build followers, but to share information he thought would be relevant to his work in palliative care. Knowing these roots, I am on the look-out for clinicians in our field who are publishing independently. We go through dry patches but recently, more palliative clinicians are creating innovative and quality online content and I love it. Here are just a few examples:
Example 1 - Dr. Jared Rubenstein and his Palliative Care Public Service Announcements
Example 2 - The Palliators Podcast - Started by three hospice and palliative medicine fellows Dr. Tara Kattine, Dr. Nancy Hart Wicker, and Dr. Katie Mollow. 4 episodes are in the can and on Apple and Spotify. I hope they keep it going!
Example 3 - Kayla Sheehan and sharing her experience as a medical student with a career goal of hospice and palliative medicine. Follow her journey on Twitter @kksheehan.
Attending: "What specialty are you thinking of?"
— Kayla Sheehan (@kksheehan) July 23, 2018
Me: "#Palliative"
Attending: "No one has ever said that answer before."
Give me a couple years. I'm rounding up some troops! #hpm
Example 4 - Dr. Alex Sable-Smith and his educational YouTube videos focused on Primary Palliative Care. Only three so far but I am hoping for some more.
So maybe you have an idea for a blog, video series, Twitter account, Instagram account or podcast. What is stopping you? Impostor syndrome? Find a mentor to give guidance and encouragement. Not enough time? Build a team and go further together. Technophobia? Google it! There are plenty of free/inexpensive tools and YouTube how-to videos to get it done. I really have learned a lot from Austin Kleon's book "Show Your Work" Here are the key points boiled down.
If I missed some new creative content in our field, please Tweet at me or share in the comments below. When we are celebrating our 28th anniversary I would love to point to examples of other people at their 14th anniversary! Christian Sinclair, MD, FAAHPM is on-call this weekend and still managed to pound out a quick anniversary blog post. He is a palliative care physician at the University of Kansas Health System.