Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Getting on Board
Thank you very much to all the AAHPM members who voted for the current slate of AAHPM board of directors. I am very honored to be one of those directors at large. There are two things that excite most about being able to serve in this position.
The first one is the culmination of a goal set out by the palliative medicine fellows of 2003-4 and the other founders of the Professionals-in-Training Special Interest Group. In our first meetings, we discussed ways for fellows to get more representation in the Academy, and getting a recent fellow onto the board was one of the early suggestions. As far as I know Solomon Liao is the first AAHPM Board Member who completed a palliative medicine fellowship. He has been a strong advocate for fellows and was a key figure in broadening the number of case conferences for trainees at the Annual Assembly. He was elected in 2008, and now with two board members who have been through a palliative medicine fellowship I hope the needs of the fellows and junior members of the Academy will be well represented.
The second exciting opportunity is the intersection between this blog and my role as a board member. As always the board members' emails have been available to Academy members so that you could contact them with your concerns, questions, etc. But with Pallimed the level of interaction that Pallimed readers (AAHPM members and non-AAHPM members) have with the AAHPM board is that much more accessable. Now I will have to discuss with Drew and the AAHPM regarding what I can report on and what I cannot/should not discuss here, but maybe with a little glimpse into the workings of the board, you may have a bigger say in things.
Thanks to Drew for creating Pallimed and allowing me to be a part of it. Without this opportunity I would not have had the opportunity to be on the Board. Thanks to my cohort of fellows from 2003-4 for their advocacy and support for all fellows in future years.