Thursday, April 9, 2009
?FDA to rescind recall of 20mg/ml morphine solution
Some of you may have been aware there was a conference call with the FDA today about the recall of unapproved opioid products. I did not listen in but I've been told by someone who was on the call that:
The FDA will post a full list of their change on their website today—bottom line:
FDA is rescinding the removal of unapproved 20 mg/cc Morphine products—they groveled that they had completely missed the boat about this product.
No other changes to the order to cease manufactuer and distribution of other opioids.
FDA is aware of a national oxycodone shortage; the call had numerous questions about major shortages of many opioids, not just oxycodone, across the US. The FDA wants everyone to report shortages through its website: