Thursday, January 20, 2011
Hospice and Palliative Care on the Radio
Since I usually hear about a radio interview after the fact, I typically do not post these here, but this one I thought might be particularly interesting since as many of you are opening this email and reading it tomorrow, the show may actually be airing live.
Have any of you done radio interviews? Any tips or tricks to share with each other?
I have done radio interviews and podcast interviews a few times. They seem to be pretty low stress compared to TV interviews for me anyway. One good tip someone gave me was to bring a pen and paper and as people call in, they told me to write down the person's name and the few key things they were asking about so you would not get flustered and forget. Also it helped so you could say "Thanks for calling in Christine, good question." Also make sure to ask where the 'mute/cough' button is. Any other tips?
(Email tip via Chris Okon)