Sunday, June 19, 2011
Congratulations to GeriPal on Two Year Blogiversary!
A hearty congratulations to Eric Widera and Alex Smith and the rest of the GeriPal team for reaching their two year milestone. They have created a wonderful site where geriatrics and palliative care are discussed passionately and their reach is extending the field. GeriPal has become a major influence in just two short years because of hard work and their dedication.And if you are thinking, "Gee GeriPal and Pallimed do a great job of independently covering hospice and palliative medicine issues, so there is no other need for a new blog" would be selling yourself short. We need more writers out there. Be the next Pallimed, or GeriPal! And when you start your blog come tell me, and we will help spotlight your best writing. And remember there are plenty of other great blogs out there too, check the list. (If you are blogging and not on it tell me!)
Kudos to GeriPal! Find them wherever you like to live on the web: Facebook, Twitter or their blog.