Monday, September 9, 2013
Prescribe Long Acting Opioids? You Must Know About REMS
If you prescribe long acting opioids then
you (and all your prescribing co-workers) should sign up for the FREE FDA/DEA mandated REMS training hosted by AAHPM on September 10th (yes, tomorrow!) andOctober 11th.
is the (semi-)long version:
The FDA and DEA have noticed the public
health risk caused by long acting opioids being used inappropriately. One part of their remedy is to increase training
for prescribers of opioids. The AAHPM
along with 9 other interdisciplinary organizations (Collaborative on REMS Education CO*RE) are
working to provide the educational activity.
This training takes place over two days: September 10th and October 8th.
If you are worried that you cannot make these dates for training,
you can always look for more live and online training resources from the CO*RE website under Educational
If anyone has taken a CO*RE class we would love to hear
feedback. It will be interesting to see
how this does (or does not?) affect the growing challenge of misappropriation
and misuse of opioids, which are a powerful and important therapeutic class of
medications for hospice and palliative care clinicians to have available.
Don’t forget to register and tell your peers who prescribe,
otherwise you might be the only REMS certified prescriber in town, and I don’t
think you want to imagine that future.