Monday, October 13, 2008
Grand Rounds Call For Submissions
Next Tuesday, Pallimed will be hosting Grand Rounds, a weekly best of the medical blogosphere. This is the second time Pallimed has hosted and we are excited to participate again. Thanks to Dr. Val Jones and Colin Son for recently talking the helm and continuing this great tradition.
The theme for next week will be: "Changing Goals of Care"
It can be changing the goals in any direction, not just the curative towards palliative route, although I expect that is a common touchstone for many in the medical field.
And since Grand Rounds is getting very large, I will make sure you all know now, I will write more in depth about 10-15 posts, but I will make sure to list all submissions. Adhering to the theme is encouraged but not necessary. I plan to be searching for good posts that are not submitted as well.
So get those submissions to me at:by 11:59 PM Sunday October the 19th. Grand rounds will be posted on Tuesday the 21st in the am.