Monday, September 21, 2009
AAHPM Board Meeting & Elections
I am traveling to Chicago next week to attend the AAHPM Fall Board Meeting and I wanted to take this opportunity to hear from the Pallimed community if there are any issues you would like voiced at the meeting. Just trying to do my part in transparency and access so the community represented by the Board of Directors is heard.
I always knew I could email anyone on the board but it felt intimidating if I did not know them well. So here is your open invitation, we may not know each other well, but if you read Pallimed you probably know me well enough. I probably would not have been elected to the board without support from Pallimed readers so if there are any issues/concerns/praise/comments you would like discussed at a higher administrative level I will be willing to listen and pass it on.
You can always email me if you would like it to be private/confidential at or you may want to consider posting it as a comment on this post so the community can also chime in and give supporting or opposing views.
AAHPM Election
Also, just a reminder to all members of the AAHPM that it is election season and you should have received your ballots if you are a full-dues paying member. They must be post-marked October 2nd. Here is the pdf of the profiles of the candidates. (Behind membership wall)