Sunday, September 27, 2009
AAHPM Pres Austin Cooney in the Media
I am looking forward to seeing AAHPM President Gail Austin Cooney in Chicago this week to give her a pat on the back for all of her recent publications in high profile media publications. I think this demonstrates an important function of the AAHPM leadership to engage the public in conversations about palliative medicine and hospice.
This weekend she blogged at The Huffington Post about how the health care reform debate twisted counseling patients about advanced care planning into something more sinister. She also wrote a Letter to the Editor in the New York Times in August regarding the Palliative Care series. She was recently interviewed on an internet radio show. And she is one of the more active hospice and palliative care docs on Twitter (@gcooneymd). I just wanted to highlight what a great job she is doing.
If you see any other opportunities for Gail or the AAHPM to make an impact email Gail or let me know and I will pass it on at the upcoming board meeting.