Mastodon Hospice & Palliative Care Twitter People (Tweeple) ~ Pallimed

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hospice & Palliative Care Twitter People (Tweeple)

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Twitter is quickly growing a network of hospice and palliative medicine professionals and to highlight some of the more prolific and significant people to follow I created the list below. Even if you do not belong to Twitter you can click on one of the links below and see what these people are saying about HPM issues. (More on Twitter and HPM here)

There are many other hospice related people on Twitter but they may not post often or may have let their account fade away. If you find others please let me know and I will add them here. Please feel free to tweet this list to anyone interested.

I want to encourage any Pallimed readers going to the AAHPM conference to consider giving Twitter a try because I am hoping we can build some buzz by twittering from the conference. If we can grow a palliative care network on Twitter that 'leaks' out into other networks it can be pretty powerful. Even better then giving a talk at your local civic center for 10 people. Consider this a public education function of your HPM work. More on the AAHPM Annual Assembly twittering plans later.

** Updated Sep 2009

(@username is the proper syntax for noting a Twitter username)

Nurse/Nurse Practioners

@dethmama - Hospice RN and blogger
@angelamorrow - Hospice RN, CHPN and blogger for The Palliative Care Blog
@marachne - Hospice/Palliative Care Nurse and PhD Student
**@sarahskiba - Hospice/Palliative Care RN, blogger for A Journal of a Hospice Nurse
**@abbrody - Hospice/Palliative Care Nurse Practioner and PhD trained researcher

@ctsinclair - Palliative care doc ("me"), talking about Pallimed and maybe some board games occasionally
@lyfe20 - Palliative care doctor, research focused.
@ESMenkin - Palliative Care doc and mother of "Go Wish" cards
- Palliative Care/Pain Doc
@DianeEMeier - MacArthur Genius Grant awardee and Palliative Care Doc and director of CAPC
**@DrSawicki - Palliative Care Doc, Medical Director Hospice
**SuzanaKM - Palliative Care Doc, Director of Palliative Care Program & Education- UMass Cancer Center

Other HPM related disciplines
**@GriefHealing -Marty Tousley, CNS-BC, FT, DCC Certified hospice bereavement counselor
@hospicegirl - Volunteer Coordinator from Seasons Hospice Milwaukee, WI
@StAnnsHospice - Catherine Williams, fundraiser for St. Ann's Hospice in the UK

Hospice Agencies and Organizations
**@KCHospice - Official Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care Twitter account
**@HMSPallCare - Official Harvard Medical School Palliative Care Twitter accoun
**@HospiScript - Hospice focused Prescription Benefits Management
@SanDiegoHospice - Official San Diego Hospice Twitter account
@palliativecare - Official Institute of Palliative Medicine (Education & Research arm of SDH)
@lesmorgan - Founder of Growth House, tweets about HPM and IT
@SBHospice - Twitter account for Hospice of Santa Barbara (Non-medical hospice)
@NHPCO_news - NHPCO news feed

@weldmar - Weldmar Hospicecare Trust in Dorchester, Dorset, UK

@hospicecarecntr - Twitter Account for Hospice & Palliative CareCenter - Winston-Salem, NC - That is where I did my fellowship. Way to go W-S!
@AAHPM - Official Twitter account for American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Medicine
@hfahospice - Official Twitter Account for the Hospice Foundation of America

@Pallimed - Official Pallimed feed and some other HPM stuff
@larryberesford - Blogger for Growthhouse
@daitpcg - Tim Cousounis from the DAI Palliative Care Group, blogger, general HPM info
@HospiceChicago - News about Hospice in Chicago from Rainbow Hospice
**@freshwidow - Blogger Supa Dupa Fresh of the blog Fresh Widow

Jeff Okazaki of @HospiceChicago also maintains a list on the Hospice Wiki

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